I Remember
“I Remember 12th Street” is a documentary film produced by Rodney M. Thompson and Stinson McClendon about the history of Kansas City’s storied 12th Street, the subject of song and jazz legends, as told through first-hand accounts by people who lived through one of the most fascinating periods in the city’s history.
For more Information email reelimages816@gmail.com
Reel Images Film Group
We provide support for African American filmmakers, film projects and film screenings that positively depict African American culture.
Rodney Thompson – Project Director
“From the beginning what we set out to do is give voice to people who ordinarily wouldn’t get the opportunity to tell their stories in this medium and its gratifying to know we’ve been successful doing that.”
Stinson McClendon – Project Director
“Reel Images gives voice to filmmakers who are not a part of mainstream media. The films they produce allow Americans to see alternative views of others thereby offering them an opportunity to see a more complete view of the American experience. “Film has the power to change the way we think about ourselves and our culture. Films have the capacity to influence people and lead them to new perspectives.”
Made by Reel Images
Reel Images Film Group
Experience Movies
about Us
We provide support for African American filmmakers, film projects and film screenings that positively depict African American culture.